Third Trimester

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Before I completely forget about pregnancy in the haze of new mommy-hood, I thought I'd better share my third trimester must haves. (See first trimester and second trimester must haves as well.) I enjoyed my third trimester, yes you're a big as a boat, and yes, super worn out, but ... you're baby's almost here! What's more exciting than that?

By the time your third trimester rolls around you'll probably already have all the pregnancy products you need, aside from maybe buying bigger maternity pants, and will be beginning to shift your buying focus to baby products (a different post entirely) and nesting, but there are still a few pregnancy related activities to tackle.

Your bump should be super obvious by now - so cute! To care for it I continued the body scrub + vitamin E combo until the bitter end (actually, post pregnancy this continues to be a part of my grooming routine) and got though pregnancy stretch mark free. I also kept up with my Tracy Anderson workouts (when I had the energy) and did a ton of walking. I actually walked to and from dinner just a few hours before starting labor. Staying active really helps get your body ready for labor and makes "bouncing back" to your pre-pregnancy shape SO much easier. Not that you can't indulge a craving or two as well - I totally ate my fair share of cookies, ice cream, and pizza.

This is also a good time to take maternity photos. The 7th or 8th month are ideal - you want an obvious bump but don't want to feel too huge. I'd also recommend taking sometime to pamper yourself before the baby arrives - get your hair and nails did, get a massage (or five, seriously they are the best when you're knocked up), and hire someone to come and clean your home (yes, I consider that pampering yourself). Anything you need to do to relax and recharge, get your "me time" in now.

This is also the time to start preparing for the birth. If this is your first baby, definitely take a birthing class with your partner. No doubt your doctor's office will offer classes, but I think it's also good to take a class from an independent instructor as well, like a midwife, to get a well rounded perspective. If you're in San Francisco, the classes at Carmel Blue are fantastic. After your classes, talk with your partner and put together your birth plan. Make sure you give a copy to your doctor, put a copy in your hospital bag, and give copies to anyone who is planing to be present at the birth (like your mom). You want to make sure your wishes are widely know and that you have people to advocate for you if you are unable to advocate for yourself.

You'll also want to pack your hospital bag when you're getting closer to d-day. I packed mine a few weeks before the due date and was so glad I did when I went into labor early. The hospital will have basically everything you need, but it is nice to have cute socks and a robe to change into after your baby has arrived, your toiletries, phone chargers and/or camera, an outfit to wear home (for you and the baby), and anything else your birth plan calls for (music, massage oils, etc). But don't stress too much about it, your partner or a family member can always run out and grab anything you need.

Mostly just remember to be patient and forgiving of yourself, your life is changing in some really hard and beautiful ways. Savor this moment.

All images via Mallory Miya.
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