Our holiday's consisted of cookies (so many cookies), taking in all of DC's beautiful decorations, movies, wandering around Northern Virginia's picturesque towns, and a LOT of simply sitting around enjoying each other's company and being lazy. It's the "great exhale" as my dad calls it, and exactly what I needed at the end of the year.
I'm looking forward to a few more days of vacay before taking 2014 by storm - how 'bout you?
Enjoy the weekend - see you monday. xo!
Cat's posing like models. Trust.
On the selfie.
This is so sweet, sad, and beautiful.
Ghetto hikes. awesome.
Do people talking on cell phones loudly in public bother you too?
Mapping gentrification.
Super excited about this movie.
I live in one of these cities, ugh.
Pictures to make you believe in humanity.
Pop culture explored feminism this year.
These pictures are so well done and so interesting.
So called "first world problems" are not problems.
2013 - a year in photos.
Image via.
Happy weekend! I am off until 2014 and a bit after ;-)