Wed Day

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The first dance - probably one of the special-er moments of a wedding. Picking just the riiight song can be a mission though. After watching a ton of music videos and listening to a ton and a half of songs, and discussing merits of said songs, the hubs and I chose this Adele cover of Bob Dylan's "Make You Feel My Love." Oh man, it still makes me cry. I think that's why we chose this song actually, we both thought it was so beautiful, and I couldn't stop crying, so ... winner!

This NYT article is comprised of several couple's first dance songs and the stories behind them. I love this kind of crap. Tell me, what was your first dance song? Or what song would you like to have? Serious, I'd love to hear. xo!

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  1. My boyfriend cannot know this because he'll think I am totally cray cray, but I already have a list of potential first dance songs... :-) Hoobastank with The Reason is on top of the list. The song has a special meaning for us.


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