This is going to sound totally Stepford of me, but I actually really like cleaning. Before you roll your eyes, hear me out. I like it because not only does it give me a sense of calm and control in a chaotic world, it's also a great work out. Apartment therapy recently posted about this, here is there breakdown of calorie burning chores:
- Vacuuming and Sweeping: (burn 240 calories/hour)
- Scrubbing Floors: (burn 325 calories/hour)
- Stairs: (burn 250 calories/hour)
- Childcare: (burn 205 calories/hour)
- Cooking: (burn 150 calories/hour)
- Laundry (repetitive bending): (burn 260 calories/hour)
- General Cleaning (dishes, dusting): (burn 200 calories/hour)
- Shoveling Snow: (burn 415 calories/hour)
- Mowing the Lawn: (burn 325 calories/hour)
- Raking Leaves: (burn 235 calories/hour)
LOL That's exactly what I tell myself when I clean..."At least you're burning calories."
Jules of Canines & Couture