Weekend Wrap-Up

Monday, August 26, 2013

This past weekend was all about food. And friends, but also food.

Friday evening my dear Di came over with her sweet Boston Terrier (and my god puppy), Turbo. I made caprese salads with chicken, prepared a mini-cheese plate, and poured us couple glasses of wine. She and I snacked and chatted in the kitchen, while Turbo and the hubs watched the game - male bonding and all that. It's amazing how nourishing a good chat with a good friend can be. After she and Turbo headed home, the hubs and I decided to keep raging, so we rented this movie and called it a night. I know, we're crazy! ;-)

After sleeping in maybe a touch too late on Saturday morning (gotta get in those snuggles), we decided to salvage the day with a long walk and a bite. Later, I headed to the Mission for a dinner date with my college bestie and roomie, Shannon (one half of this creative duo), visiting from NYC. We met at Hogs & Rocks, a ham and oyster bar that is quickly becoming one of my favorite go-to's (just be sure to make a reservation - they get super busy!) and spent the evening indulging in yumminess and getting properly caught up. After dinner we snuck into one of my favorite hidden bars for a night cap, before heading home respectively. When I got home the hubs was watching a movie, but I promptly fell asleep on the sofa so I couldn't tell you a thing about it.

Sunday was all about domesticity. I scrubbed my appartment from top to bottom (you could eat off my floors), ran errands, made dinner (crab cakes and salad), and finally got caught up on my favorite blogs and magazines. Whew - quite the day. It felt good to stay close to home this weekend - restorative, nice, and just what I needed.

How were all of your weekends dolls? I'd love to hear.

Images via yours truly.
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  1. My weekend was perfect! The weather here in Chicago was so lovely, I was able to hit the beach with some friends before our summer is over here!

    -alecia with www.likesof.us

  2. Your weekend sounded wonderful! I had my first shoot this weekend and enjoyed it more then I thought I would since I am no model and hate posing. Also enjoyed good food and some wine and then spent all day Sunday taking a day off and watched movies from day to night.

    Ali of

    Dressing Ken

  3. WOW, the salad looks so yummy.
    As for cleaning...I clean almost every other day, but I would never eat off my floors with all the dog and cat hair, which always makes me sad. I like it clean...

  4. Sounds like a delicious food-filled weekend to me! Just my type ;)

    xo Ashley

  5. Sounds like another great weekend :-) Mine was fine, very chill. Just stayed in with the boyfriend.

  6. You seem to have a really nice little universe and very good taste ! You're blog looks great :D !


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